学术活动Academic activities 6月19日讲座:When promises are difficult to keep?Examining the effect of implicit gover... 2023-06-07 6月14日讲座:Online Joint Assortment-Inventory Optimization under MNL Choices 2023-06-07 6月8日讲座:bsports必一体育app官网登录入口培养:聪明人,笨功夫? 2023-06-05 6月7日讲座:Can the Establishment of a Personal Data ProtectionSystem Promote Corporate... 2023-06-02 新时代中国大学治理的新趋势与新思考 2023-06-02 Can Revealing Users' Location Enhance Regulation of Offensive Content Online? Evidence ... 2023-06-02 Development and Validation of Perceived Algorithmic Power Scale for Platform Workers 2023-06-02 Does Securities Regulators' Pre-IPO On-site Inspection Work? Evidence from China 2023-05-30 退款与否?存在产品退货的全渠道零售的联合定价和退款优化 2023-05-18 第一届Web3.0信息与运营管理学术会议第二轮会议通知 2023-05-30 题目:生成性:一个数字化转型与创新的基石性概念评述 2023-05-30 百度智能网联和自动驾驶实践 2023-05-26 Taming the Black Swan: CEO with Military Experience and Organizational Resilience 2023-05-29 Put Me out of the Mud: Negative Media Coverage and Customer Concentration 2023-05-29 题目:ESG审计研究之机会 2023-05-25 题目:Platform Governance in the Presence of Provider Competition: Do Regulations Boost... 2023-05-22 题目:Examining the Adverse Effect of Consumption Threshold in Conditional Promotion on... 2023-05-16 题目:Pandemic Attributes and Location Avoidance of Firm Acquisitions 2023-05-15 题目:Which Management Practices Best Help Firms to be Innovative in China? 2023-05-15 题目:CONTINGENCY EFFECTS OF NATIONAL CULTURE AND INSTITUTIONS ON HOW SOCIAL NETWORKS I... 2023-05-15 bsports必一体育app官网登录入口< <1...678910...43>>尾页